Sound Therapy
Sound is also in the electromagnetic spectrum. Sound is energy that moves through a medium as waves. That medium could be air, water or a solid like the human body and different frequencies of sound have different healing properties.
Integrating Tuning Forks in Therapy : At Healing Axis, tuning forks, music and brain entrainment sounds can be employed in aiding healing. Sound can be used not only to enter through the ear and subsequently to the brain but, in addition, tuning forks can be applied directly to the body. |
My treatments with Kevin have been very relaxing and enjoyable. He is very skilled as an acupuncturist and uses many other modalities as well. Particularly nice are the tuning forks! I had not experienced them before but am very sensitive to sound healing and found the resonant vibrations very calming and focusing. Kevin has quite a range of skills in his tool box and it is obvious that he enjoys his work and helping others very deeply.