Electro Acupuncture
Electro or electrical body therapy includes the use of electrical stimulation delivered to the body in various ways. Depending on how it is delivered to the body determines how it is used. But simply, electrical stimulation is strategically used to bring the body and its tissues back into balance.
In November 2016, I took a terrible fall on a tennis court. I broke my right elbow and sprained my left wrist, not to mention how the shock affected my shoulders and back. The injuries were very painful and depressing. A friend recommended that I try acupuncture to speed up the healing. Fortunately, I discovered Kevin Barr of Healing Axis. Kevin has been fantastic. He has performed acupuncture, applied electric current to my arm, and done several types of massage. As a result of his treatments the fracture is healing ahead of schedule and my mood is stabilized. Kevin is thoughtful, kind, compassionate, and experienced. I am grateful for Kevin’s assistance and highly recommend him to others.