Bringing a holistic approach to health & healing
Using Chinese Medicine as the theoretical model for treatment, Kevin utilizes a number of different tools to bring the body, mind and psyche into balance. All of these tools operate within the electromagnetic spectrum along with acupuncture needles and sound. Energy in the electromagnetic spectrum exists in the form of waves that carry information and energy. From the cellular level up to the tissue level and finally to the organ level, the human body communicates externally and internally using waves that carry information and energy. Healing Axis harmonizes and balances the body so that it can operate a maximal level.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. - Nikola Tesla
Our Therapies & Techniques
Kevin is a kind, compassionate and professional healer. He takes the time to fully understand your issue and finely tailor your treatment. He doesn't just get you in and get your out, doing routine, ordinary acupuncture. He really thinks about each session as a cure for your problem. He is also continuously learning and doing research on the latest and best methods. I had an ongoing issue that didn't start to resolve until I started seeing Kevin. I highly recommend him without hesitation. He is worth his weight in gold.