Heat Therapy
Moxabustion is heat therapy that is produced by burning an herb called mugwort. It comes in various forms such as cigars, self-sticking minis, and processed moxa that can be formed into various sizes by hand. Most moxa is done by placing it near the skin so that heat warms and reddens the area increasing circulation and energy. Moxabustion is used strategically over the acupuncture points to meet the goals of the treatment plan.
Infrared waves are a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. They are invisible to the eye but have a lot of benefits. TDP stands for "Teding Diancibo Pu" which translates to "special electromagnetic spectrum" lamp. It is widely used all over the world for pain and reducing inflammation much like one would soak in a hot bath to relax sooth aching muscles and joints.
In China it is also known as the "Miracle Lamp".